Our garden party raises £500 for hospice
A big well done to the organisers and an even bigger thank-you to everyone who supported our summer garden party. Rocket Park was festooned with colourful bunting and an archway of balloons created by our cheerleaders Hayley & Kate.
Meanwhile Tom’s countless hours of sawing, nailing and painting produced a fantastic range of stalls including a coconut shy, stocks, splat the rat and the thirst-quenching, mouth-watering Brocade Bar & Grill. There was even a bouncy castle. The barbecue did a brisk trade in burgers and hot dogs, as did the cake stall, the tombola and the raffle.
Despite the occasional shower everyone had a great time and when we counted up the pennies they came to a very creditable £300. Adding in the £200 donated online by well-wishers we will be handing Keech Hospice Care in Luton a cheque for more than £500. You can see more photos on our flickr page.